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Values, Philosophy, and History

The competency of Values, Philosophy, and History is one that helps student affairs practitioners learn about the history of the profession and learn how to implement this knowledge into daily practice (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).  Looking at the specific outcomes of "describe the roles of faculty, academic affairs, and student affairs educators in the institution" (ACPA & NASPA, p. 18) as well as "articulate an understanding of the ongoing nature of the history of higher education and one's role in shapign it" (ACPA & NASPA, 2015), I believe that I have developed through the following two activites: 

The CSP courses that I have taken, specifically Foundations of Higher Education and a College and University Teaching Elective

Class assignments that I have created, specifically the Intervention Plan for the Outcomes of Higher Education course and the Faculty Paper for my College and University Teaching Elective.

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